How to Start Pearl Jewelry Blog?


Small jewelry online businesses are always looking for ways to engage existing customers and attract new ones. You are also into online pearl jewelry business and already have a great website created, where your most recent collection is hosted. You even have progressed efficiently in your social marketing strategy. Now, you are ready to add another promotional tool in your marketing campaign.

Blogging is a great way to offer customers information about your handcrafted jewelry and many other things related to pearls like how to buy them, where they get manufactured or how they get priced and so on. You will need to set some time committedly to your pearl jewelry blog every week. Your small jewelry business will turn into a brand as soon as customers get to know about your knowledge and expertise.

How to start pearl jewelry blog?

Select blogging platform

Blogging platform choice will depend on –

  • Your budget – There are free blogging platforms offering pre-set domains but have limitations to template options.
  • Control you want – Hire professionals to build a customized blog to gain more control of your branding process. If you already have an e-commerce website then just add a blog section.

Generate relevant blog post ideas

Schedule your blogging time but first make sure to prepare a list of jewelry topics, you will write. Idea shortage can make you feel uninspired to write. Therefore, come up with solid pearl jewelry like pearl bracelet related ideas that can be related with customer’s problems or what they come in search for and build a schedule, accordingly.

Create blogging calendar

After setting a schedule of publishing a blog every week or month, you create a blogging calendar. This will help to stay on track and in synch with your goals of blogging.

Get familiar with SEO basics

Optimize jewelry blog posts to ensure that your voice reaches prospects, which come in search of jewelry inspiration. SEO friendly blog posts means publishing content that users and search engines understand.

Quality of your post has to be great including long tail keywords as well as keywords in the title tag, headers & body, URL, and Meta description. Optimize for jewelry images alt text for better search engine and user experience. Wherever possible link your blog internally to other web pages on your website.

Optimization gives your blog posts great visibility to new users. Thus, you can keep your existing and prospective customers interested and engaged!

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