How To Pay Taxes When You’re Self-Employed


Self-employment has many benefits, but it also comes with its own unique set of tax consequences. If you are self-employed, you need to pay taxes on your business income as well as any personal expenses that are related to your business. The first thing you should do is create a self-employed tax return for the year and then determine how much money will be withheld from each paycheck, statement, or invoice. You will need to make quarterly estimated tax payments at least four times a year, usually on the 15th of April, June, September, and January. You can also pay these taxes monthly if you don’t think that your income is steady enough throughout the year.

What is self-employment income?

When you are self-employed, your income is the money that comes from running a business, such as a bakery. It can also include things like tips and commissions if you have your sweets and macarons delivered. If you’re not sure whether something counts as self-employment income, ask an accountant or tax professional to help you figure it out for certain.

What do you need to pay taxes on? You will need to pay income tax and self-employment tax, as well as any other types of taxes that apply. These might include sales or excise taxes that are specific to your business type. For example, if your macaron delivery bakery involves a macaron delivery service for special events around the U.S., then you’re going to have a lot of state-specific sales and excise taxes to pay.

Tax deductions for self-employed people.

If what you do qualifies as a trade or business, you might be able to deduct part of your expenses on Schedule C. For example, an accounting firm would be able to deduct marketing material such as custom pocket folders, business cards, brochures, and promotional materials for other important documents. They can also usually deduct non-tangible expenses such as graphic design work, travel to trade shows, and custom folder printing. It’s important to keep all receipts for any business expense you incur so you can maintain accurate records.

How to report self-employment income on your taxes.

The first step in reporting your self-employment income to the IRS is finding out whether you are even required to pay taxes on this income. Generally, you must file a tax return if you fall under one of these two categories: You had $400 or more of gross self-employment income (income before any deductions) during the year; You have net earnings from self-employment that total at least as much as one personal exemption and $350 if married and filing jointly for 2018 ($250 for 2015 to 2017).

The second step is determining how exactly you should report it. For most people, their taxable business income will be reported on Schedule C, which goes with Form 4835 when filed along with Form 700 or Form 100S after being submitted electronically. This schedule calculates your net profit or loss for the business, which is then used to determine how much you should report on your personal tax return.

Self-employment income will be reported as either “net earnings from self-employment” (box 13 of Schedule SE) or as “self-employment earnings subject to Social Security taxes” (if box 14 was checked). If both apply, this means that your combined wages and net profits are high enough that part of them must be paid into Social Security under FICA rules. This amount is called a SECA tax.

In general, self-employment taxes are the sum of Social Security and Medicare taxes that would have been paid on a salary or wage earned by an employee. The calculation is similar to SECA tax, but it’s done with Schedule SE instead, which goes along with Form 4835.

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