When to Work with a Criminal Defense Attorney


Have you recently run into legal trouble? If so, you may be wondering when you should hire a Rochester criminal defense attorney. You need to think about many things, especially the cost. It may make sense to have this concern because attorney’s fees can be quite expensive. But, hiring a lawyer early in the process can usually lead to less significant expenses down the road.

What Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Do?

A criminal defense lawyer will guide you through the legal issue and defend you if needed. The legal system is complex and if you are in trouble with the law, you must be with someone who knows how to guide you through the problem. Depending on how serious the issue is, the consequences could be worse than spending a few thousand dollars on attorney’s fees if you choose to deal with it without legal representation.

When to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

It is best to have a lawyer on your side from the time you get arrested, especially if you are facing a serious criminal allegation. But, often, you will be let out and get an arraignment date. During the arraignment, you hear what you are being charged with and are given the chance to plead guilty or not guilty. Also, you can meet with the prosecutor after the arraignment. This is the reason you must have counsel available to you at this point.

By speaking with a criminal defense attorney before the arraignment, you can understand the charges being brought against you before you enter the courtroom. Also, your attorney will help you understand the range of punishments you could face if found guilty. With this, you can weigh the pros and cons of fighting your charge versus seeking a plea bargain.

Moreover, as your lawyer has worked in the field for a long time, they have developed relationships with prosecuting attorneys. Such a relationship may let them negotiate a better plea deal or an affordable bond. An experienced lawyer can fight for you and your future. They can get your charges reduced, penalties lessened, and get your case dismissed because of police errors while unlawfully getting evidence against you. As charges are reduced, the lawyer can keep a felony off your criminal record, so you don’t jeopardize your career. A reduction in potential penalties can keep you from jail and help you avoid losing your job. And if your case gets dismissed, you could be saved from the negative impact of a criminal conviction on your life.

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